What time can we contact you?

The best way to contact us is through email at:279135824@qq.com  or  kinstargjg@163.com. We will respond to your email within 24 hours

How long is your delivery time?

It depends on the mode of transportation you choose, the quantity of goods and your address. If there is spot goods,it usually takes 3-5 working days for express delivery, 5-9 working days for air transportation, 9-15 working days for EMS and 30-40 days for sea transportation

What is your type of transport?

We will help you to choose the best transport way according to your detail requirements.

Do your factory can quote us delivery shipping freight fee?

Yes,we can ask our shipping agent for details once getting your delivery address.

Are you trading company or manufacturer?

 We are manufacturer,we have our own factory.

Do you provide ODM/OEM service?

Yes,we welcom ODM/OEM.
In addition to the sports glasses series require a minimum Order quantity(300pairs),other categories of products do not require a minimum order quantity.because sports glasses need molds to produce.

Get in Touch

You will find yourself working in a true partnership that results in an incredible experience, and an end product that is the best.